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Parmesan Panna Cotta
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Parmesan Panna Cotta

Parmesan Panna Cotta with roasted onion and cranberry relish is a unique and delicious twist on a classic Italian dessert. By using Grated Parmesan Cheese instead of sugar, you create a mouth-watering dish that is sure to add an extra oomph to any menu and leave your customers wanting more.



  1. To make this dish, you'll need Grated Parmesan Cheese, milk, garlic powder, gelatin, heavy cream, and black pepper. 

  2. First, combine the parmesan cheese, milk, and garlic powder in a saucepan and heat until the cheese is melted. Then, add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. 

  3. Next, add the heavy cream and black pepper and stir until well combined. Pour the mixture into ramekins and chill in the refrigerator until set. 

  4. In a small pot, sauté onion and garlic until caramelized, deglaze with red wine vinegar, add sugar, cranberries and cook. Finish with fresh chopped rosemary, salt, and pepper to taste. Chill and reserve. 

  5. Once the Panna Cotta is set, unmold it onto a plate and top it with the roasted onion and cranberry relish. The result is a rich and creamy dish with a savoury twist that is sure to impress.

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